Frequently Asked Questions
Q Why does the Maritime Club of CR charge an honorarium at the Nature Lecture Series events.
A We believe that it is critical that we support the management of the maritime environment within which we live. The Port Royal Sound Foundation (PRSF) is our chosen non-profit as we believe they will efficiently and effectively fund projects like dolphin research. Our relationship with PRSF enables The Maritime Club of CR to invite scientists and researches to speak at our Nature Lecture Series.
Q Fee or Free
A Other than the honorarium that we include in some events. the only time that we will charge a fee is when we incur expenses from a third party such as on the "Salty Dog" cruises. All charges including the honorariums are billed through your CRC account.
Q Why are these Maritime activities free (other than the above)
A Our Captains have made themselves and their water crafts available to you so that those of you without boats, can enjoy the beauty and splendor of our environment.
Q What food and drinks will be provided during these activities?
A If not specifically stated, you must provide whatever food and drinks that you wish. You may choose to make arrangements with CRC to provide you with food and/or drinks. .
Q My children cannot swim, can they still come on the activity?
A Yes but everyone, regardless of age, who cannot swim is required to wear US Coast Guard approved life vests. Please check with your Captain to determine if they can provide the correct size for you.
Q Can children or guests go on these activities without an adult member?
A At least one CRC adult member from the family must be a part of the activity.
Q What happens if the Captain cancels the activity due to weather?
A The Maritime Club will do its best to provide "rain dates" as soon as possible.
Didn't find your question answered. Please send us an email and we'll get right back to you. themaritimeclubofcr@gmail.com